
Do extra work or verification at login

The default login view might not do exactly what you want. You might want to do something when a new user logs for the first time, like create their profile in the database, or redirect them to some page, or you might want to make additional checks before logging them.

The easier way to do see is by overriding the login view. The default view is defined like this:

@view_config(route_name='login', check_csrf=True, renderer='json')
def login(request):
    # Verify the assertion and get the email of the user
    email = verify_login(request)
    # Add the headers required to remember the user to the response
    request.response.headers.extend(remember(request, email))
    # Return a json message containing the address or path to redirect to.
    return {'redirect': request.POST['came_from'], 'success': True}

To be precise, the route name is the option ‘pyramid.route_name’, and verify_login is pyramid_persona.views.verify_login(). request.POST[‘came_from’] is the url of the page on which the button was clicked ; by default we redirect the user back there after the login. The success value in the response tells the javascript side whether the login was successful: it is needed to make sure the user stays logged-out for Persona.

So, if you want to check that an email is on a whitelist, create a profile and redirect new users, you can define a new login view like this one:

@view_config(route_name='login', check_csrf=True, renderer='json')
def login(request):
    email = verify_login('email')
    if email not in whitelist:
        request.session.flash('Sorry, you are not on the list')
        return {'redirect': '/', 'success': False}
request.response.headers.extend(remember(request, email))
    if not exists_in_db(email):
        return {'redirect': '/new-user', 'success': True}
    return {'redirect': '/welcome-again', 'success': True}

Same goes if you want to do extra stuff at logout. The default logout view looks like this:

@view_config(route_name='logout', check_csrf=True, renderer='json')
def logout(request):
    return {'redirect': request.POST['came_from']}

Override the default forbidden view

pyramid_persona provides a default view for rendering the 403 forbidden response to non-authenticated users but you can override this view if you wish with pyramid’s forbidden_view_config decorator.

If you simply want to use a different template of your own design:

from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response

def forbidden(request):
    response = render_to_response('templates/',
                                 {'js': request.persona_js, 'button': request.persona_button},
    response.status_int = 403
    return response

You could also override the forbidden view to change the behaviour depending on whether or not a user is authenticated. In this example authenticated users are shown the permission denied view while non-authenticated users are redirected to the login page:

def forbidden(request):
    if authenticated_userid(request):
        request.response.status = 403
        return {}
    url = request.route_url('login_form_view',
                            _query={request.registry['persona.redirect_url_parameter']: request.path})
    return HTTPSeeOther(url)

Note that pyramid_persona doesn’t provide a login view that responds to GET requests and so for the above to work would require you to create and register an appropriate login view that renders the GET version of the login page.

In order to enable the user to return to the page they were attempting to view once they have successfully authenticated pyramid_persona adds a parameter to the querystring indicate where to redirect to. This value defaults to came_from and so the in the above example the non-authenticated user would be redirected to /login?came_from=<name of page attempted to view> (assuming of course that the user has add a login page at /login). The name of the parameter used in the querystring is configurable via the persona.redirect_url_parameter setting.

What pyramid_persona does

pyramid_persona is a login system. It replaces login forms and views, and the need to handle passwords.

pyramid_persona is not an authentication policy. It only handles the login process and requires an authentication policy to remember the user between requests (AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy is used by default).

Here is, in details, what including pyramid_persona does :

  • it defines an authentication policy, an authorization policy, and a session factory (this is needed for csrf protection, and is why we need a secret). Defaults are AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, ACLAuthorizationPolicy and SignedCookieSessionFactory. You can override it if you prefer.
  • it adds a persona_js request attribute containing the javascript code needed to make persona work.
  • it adds a persona_button request attribute containing html code for quickly putting a login button.
  • it defines the /login and /logout views to handle the persona workflow.
  • it defines a basic forbidden view with a login button.

You can replace any part you like if the default behaviour doesn’t work for you and the configuration isn’t enough.